Working Cow Horse

Working Cow Horse

Working cow horse blends reining and cutting to showcase the skills of horses and riders across the Western Performance disciplines. Learn from champions such as Brad Barkemeyer, Winston Hansma and more maneuvers including sliding stops, spins, and quick pivots.

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Working Cow Horse
  • Using One Cow for Herd Work Practice

    Brad Barkemeyer shows you how you can mix up your herd work practice at home by only working with one cow.

  • Adjust Your Space Circling a Cow

    When you're circling a cow you need to be able to adjust your space to keep your horse a safe distance away from the cow while still having it circle. Brad Barkemeyer shows you how he likes to adjust his space while circling when he's training on his horses at home.

  • Understanding Cow Psychology

    A major part of reined cow events involves working with a cow. In order to be successful in the arena, you need to learn how to read a cow and understand why they do something. In this video Brad Barkemeyer goes over cow psychology and the importance of learning it.

  • Switching Directions While Circling a Cow

    Learn how to safely switch directions when you're circling a cow with these athome training drills from Brad Barkemeyer.

  • Circling a Cow During At Home Training

    Brad Barkemeyer shows you some drills you can incorporate into your training program at home to help your horse improve circling a cow.

  • Training on a Cow at Home

    Another thing that varies when you're training at home versus at a horse show is how you work a cow. Brad Barkemeyer goes over the drills he likes to include into his riding program at home to help his horse be better prepared when it comes time to go to a horse show.

  • Preparing to Train at Home

    Do you know the difference between preparing your horse to train at home and preparing him to show? Brad Barkemeyer goes over the differences and how he likes to prepare his horse for a training session at home.