Trail Riding

Trail Riding

The "Trail Riding" video series on Ride TV offers an immersive and educational experience for equestrian enthusiasts interested in exploring the joys of trail riding. This series features expert riders who share their knowledge on a variety of topics essential for successful trail riding, including horse preparation, safety tips, trail etiquette, and navigating different terrains. Through engaging demonstrations and scenic rides, viewers gain practical insights and techniques to enhance their trail riding adventures. Whether you're a novice rider or an experienced equestrian, the "Trail Riding" series provides valuable information and inspiration to help you confidently enjoy the beauty and challenges of riding in the great outdoors.

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Trail Riding
  • Riding a Nervous Horse Over a Water Crossing

    Once Monique works with a nervous horse on the ground near a water crossing, the next step is to get on the horse's back and ride him through the water.

  • Working a Gate on a Nervous Horse

    If your horse is nervous when you go to work a gate with him, use this drill from natural horsemanship instructor Monique Potts.

  • Helping a Nervous Horse Over Water on the Ground

    Before Monique Potts has her customers go through a water crossing on a nervous horse, she has them work on their horse's confidence from the ground.

  • Helping a Nervous Horse Over a Bridge

    To avoid accidents on the trail, natural horsemanship instructor Monique Potts goes over how she helps a nervous horse cross a bridge to make the experience a positive one.

  • Reading Your Horse's Body Language

    Knowing how to read your horse's body language is extremely important. It helps you stay safe, but it also helps you understand what he's thinking. Natural horsemanship instructor Monique Potts talks about understanding your horse's body language.

  • Desensitize Your Horse:Support Him in Scary Situations

    When you're desensitizing your horse your horse might feel scared. It's important to support him in scary situations so he knows he can learn to trust you.

  • Introducing a Horse to Obstacles in the Saddle

    Once you've done your groundwork, you can start introducing your horse to new obstacles in the saddle. Monique Potts shows you how she likes to first introduce a horse to a new obstacle in the saddle.

  • Preparing to Ride Over Trail Obstacles

    Robin Frid shows you how he likes to prepare his horse to ride over trail obstacles.

  • Ponying Your Horse on the Trail

    In certain situations you might have to pony a horse when you're trail riding. It's important to practice ponying at home in a safe environment to teach your horse how to pony a horse or how to get ponied.

  • Riding a Nervous Horse Over a Bridge

    Once you can move your horse's feet on the ground, Monique Potts shows you how you can safely ride your nervous horse over a bridge or similar obstacle on the trail.

  • Managing Your Horse in a New Place

    When you go to a new place, whether it's a trailhead or a horse show, your horse needs to keep his attention on you and not what's going on around him. Monique Potts shows you how she handles a horse that is in a new environment.

  • Water Crossing on the Trail

    Teach your horse how to safely cross water on a trail with help from natural horsemanship instructor Monique Potts.