The Colt-Starting Guide for Barrel Racers

The Colt-Starting Guide for Barrel Racers

Coach and professional horseman Justin Briggs offers invaluable insights into his colt-starting philosophy and techniques. He emphasizes the importance of gauging a colt's confidence level and tailoring training accordingly, showcasing his approach with various young prospects. Briggs advocates for a method that prioritizes safety and avoids training through fatigue, preferring to develop broke, balanced horses that respond well to cues. Demonstrating his progression from halter to snaffle and curb bits, he stresses the significance of selecting the right tools for effective communication with the horse. Additionally, Briggs highlights the necessity of giving prospects diverse experiences and personalities, molding them through thoughtful training approaches. His dedication to safety, meticulous training regimen, and collaborative efforts with his wife, Jordon Briggs, underscore the foundation of Briggs Performance Horses, making them a formidable team in the competitive world of barrel racing and beyond.

The Colt-Starting Guide for Barrel Racers
  • Hoof Trimming Basics

    Accomplished horseman Justin Briggs shows his method of safely working with a yearling to trim its hooves.

  • Bit Progression

    Justin Briggs discusses how he progresses from riding colts in a halter through to the snaffle and curb bits, as well as discussing the bits he uses when heading and heeling on Rollo.

  • Snaffle Preference

    Justin Briggs talks about the style of snaffle bits that have produced the best results for his program.

  • Thoughts on Mechanical Hackamores

    Justin Briggs shares his thoughts on how riders should adjust when using a mechanical hackamore and how this tool is designed to function.