Familiarize Yourself With the Score Sheet and Rules
Brad Barkemeyer's Steer Stopping Masterclass
7m 37s
Learn how the scoring card for Steer Stopping is broken into three categories; box and barrier, run and rate, and stopping. Brad discusses how each maneuver is judged on a point scale, and gives insight into earning the highest score possible by focusing on certain aspect of each maneuver during practice.
Up Next in Brad Barkemeyer's Steer Stopping Masterclass
Rope Exposure
Before you get on your horse and start swinging your rope, take time to desensitize your horse to the rope on the ground to ensure he's comfortable.
Getting Comfortable
Once your in the saddle, take time to get your horse comfortable to all the sights and sounds that come with this event before heading into the chute.
Track the Cow
Most horses who participate in this event come from a reined cow horse background. Which means that when they see a cow, they think they're either going to cut it or go down the fence. Brad Barkemeyer shows you a few cow tracking drills he does with his horses to help them learn the difference be...