Brad Barkemeyer's Steer Stopping Masterclass

Brad Barkemeyer's Steer Stopping Masterclass

Learn the ins and outs of this event that is rapidly growing in popularity, from a well-respected and accomplished horseman. Designed to help you succeed from start to finish, our Steer Stopping Masterclass actively guides participants through the learning process. Brad Barkemeyer walks you through the entire process, with videos ranging from the basics to advanced maneuvers.

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Brad Barkemeyer's Steer Stopping Masterclass
  • Brad Barkemeyer's Steer Stopping Masterclass Workbook

    970 KB

    Elevate your training and understanding of steer stopping with this specially curated workbook. Print out, keep in your tack room or desk, follow along, take notes, make goals, and more with Brad Barkemeyer!

  • Introduction to Steer Stopping

    What is steer stopping? Brad Barkemeyer breaks down this popular event and when you might see it at a reined cow horse event.

  • Familiarize Yourself With the Score Sheet and Rules

    Learn how the scoring card for Steer Stopping is broken into three categories; box and barrier, run and rate, and stopping. Brad discusses how each maneuver is judged on a point scale, and gives insight into earning the highest score possible by focusing on certain aspect of each maneuver during...

  • Rope Exposure

    Before you get on your horse and start swinging your rope, take time to desensitize your horse to the rope on the ground to ensure he's comfortable.

  • Getting Comfortable

    Once your in the saddle, take time to get your horse comfortable to all the sights and sounds that come with this event before heading into the chute.

  • Track the Cow

    Most horses who participate in this event come from a reined cow horse background. Which means that when they see a cow, they think they're either going to cut it or go down the fence. Brad Barkemeyer shows you a few cow tracking drills he does with his horses to help them learn the difference be...

  • Cattle Practice

    Once you have the fundamentals in place and your horse is comfortable tracking cattle, you can start doing box work with your horse.

  • Roping Runs

    After Brad Barkemeyer has gone through his steer stopping fundamentals to ensure his horse is comfortable with the rope and roping box, it's time to do a couple of live runs to see how his horse responds.

  • Rope Selection

    What kind of rope do you need for steer stopping? Brad breaks down what he looks for in a rope.

  • Rope Handling and Techniques

    Once you've selected your rope, now you must learn how to properly and safely, use it. Brad Barkemeyer offers basic rope handling advice and goes over his technique for handling a rope.

  • Roping Delivery

    After practicing on the ground and getting comfortable handling a rope, you can start working on your roping delivery in the saddle. Brad goes over some of the drills he likes to do using a roping dummy.

  • Roping Horns

    There are different ways to rope the horns depending on personal preference. Brad discusses his strategy for catching both horns, and how to use centrifugal force to rope the horns.

  • The Training Progression of Roping the Dummy

    Brad discusses the step-by-step breakdown of roping the dummy, to practice in an effective way. Focus first on getting comfortable building and throwing your loop before you practice pulling your slack and dallying.

  • Introducing Your Horse to the Dummy and Basics of Practicing While Moving

    When you're ready to practice on a moving target, introduce your horse to the dummy to develop a pattern and routine, and teach rate. Analyze how your horse responds to the dummy, and allow him to become comfortable by tracking it before you begin roping.

  • Familiarize Yourself With the Score Sheet and Rules

    Learn how the scoring card for Steer Stopping is broken into three categories; box and barrier, run and rate, and stopping. Brad discusses how each maneuver is judged on a point scale, and gives insight into earning the highest score possible by focusing on certain aspect of each maneuver during...