Shali Lord
3 Seasons
Shali Lord is a renowned barrel racer known for her exceptional skills in the sport. Hailing from Lamar, Colorado, Lord has made a significant mark in the rodeo world with her talent, determination, and passion for barrel racing. With numerous accolades and victories under her belt, including winning the prestigious National Finals Rodeo (NFR), she has solidified her place as one of the top competitors in the sport. Lord's dedication to her craft, coupled with her natural horsemanship and unwavering work ethic, continues to inspire aspiring barrel racers around the world.
02:01Episode 1
Starting a Horse on the Barrel Pattern
Episode 1
After you've mastered the critical skills your horse should know before being started on the barrel pattern, you can move onto patterning your horse. Shali Lord shares how she patterns her horses and eventually adds speed.
Off-Pattern Work to Keep Barrel Horses Sharp
Episode 2
02:41Episode 3
Three Barrel Drill
Episode 3
The three barrel drill is used by Shali Lord to reinforce correct body position for snappy turns.
04:24Episode 4
Four Barrel Drill
Episode 4
The four barrel drill helps horses quicken their feet and is especially useful to teach young horses cues that will be needed on the pattern.
02:27Episode 5
Conditioning & Outside Riding
Episode 5
Shali Lord talks about outside riding and the importance of safety when riding a young or inexperienced horse outside of the arena.
01:06Episode 6
Ratey Horses vs. Free Runners
Episode 6
How to ride a free running horse versus a ratier horse.
01:56Episode 7
Riding a Ratey Horse
Episode 7
Shali Lord talks about how to ride a ratey style of barrel horse by adjusting your timing on the pattern.
Off Pattern Work to Keep Barrel Horses Sharp
Episode 8
Maintaining softness and responsiveness in your barrel horse with Shali Lord.
Different Turning Styles of Barrel Horses
Episode 9
How to ride different turning styles of barrel horses.
The Importance of Consistency on the Pattern
Episode 10
The importance of riding to each point of the turn in order to achieve a correct pattern demonstrated by Shali Lord.
02:10Episode 11
What to Look for in a Prospect
Episode 11
Shali Lord discusses the conformation traits and bloodlines she looks for in a barrel racing prospect.
Using the Fence to Add Rate Collection Power
Episode 12
How to ride a ratey style of barrel horse.
01:14Episode 13
Body Position Through the Turns
Episode 13
Shali Lord demonstrates how to properly position a barrel horse for the turns.
02:01Episode 14
Starting a Horse on the Barrel Pattern
Episode 14
How to ride different turning styles of barrel horses.