Ranch Versatility
Ranch versatility includes cattle classes, trail, pleasure, and reining. Learn how to master them all from champion trainers and riders.
Log Drag: Show Control of Your Horse
During this obstacle, show that you and your horse work well together by dragging the log effeciently, and putting it back in it's correct spot.
Reversing on the Rail
Cody Crow gives advice for how to reverse directions in the ranch versatility rail class.
Rail Work: Walk and Extended Walk
Cody Crow breaks down the difference between a regular walk and an extended walk for the rail work portion of a ranch versatility competition.
Ranch Cutting: Don't Commit to a Cow Too Soon, and Stay at His Eye
You can face a penalty for changing cows, so take your time deciding on one to cut, and don't commit too soon. Keep your horse lined out and stay at the cow's eye, straight across the pen.
Ranch Cutting: Choosing a Cow From the Herd
Learn how to read the body language of the herd, to choose a cow wisely for your cut. Look for one that is calm, not in the middle of the herd, and doesn't appear overly flighty.
Ranch Cutting: The Importance of Good Herd Help, and Slowing Down
After practicing making a cut, clinic attendees learn from Cody Crow how to slow things down to work faster, and the importance of good turnback and herd help.
Ranch Cutting: Improve Your Cutting Turns
Clinic attendees continue their ranch cutting practice, and learn how to help their horse move off leg pressure. Help your horse soften to the bit to quicken your cutting turns and movements.
Ranch Cutting: A Sticky Herd, Time Management, and Second Practice for Group A
Cody Crow discusses how a sticky herd can impact your cutting run, and how to use the clock to your advantage. If you need to run out the clock, take your time, and choose a cow wisely.
Introducing Your Horse to Dragging a Log
Cody Crow demonstrates how to drag a log to a horse who might be new to this maneuver or unsure.
Reining to Ranch Riding: Right-Hand Gate
Bud Lyon works with a horse who is new to the gate maneuver to complete a right-hand gate.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Backing Through an L
Being able to guide your horse around obstacles while backing is a major part of a ranch trail class. Cody Crow discusses the basics of backing your horse through an L.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Teaching the Sidepass
A sidepass is a common obstacle you're required to perform in a ranch trail class. Ranch versatility expert Cody Crow shows you how he likes to teach his horse how to sidepass over a log.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Push-Through Gate
A solid gate is a practical application in the ranch trail, but when you're in the show pen, there must be a certain amount of finesse. Cody Crow demonstrates how to increase your score on the push-through gate.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Adding Lopeover Logs
As your horse gets comfortable going over ranch trail lopeover logs, you can gradually add more logs and teach him how rate over the logs and go over lopeover obstacles.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Dallying Safety
In the ranch trail you might be asked to drag a log while you're on your horse. Ranch versatility expert Cody Crow explains the importance of dallying safety so you don't severely injure yourself while practicing this maneuver.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Pole Distances
Cody Crow explains how to set up pole distances for trot and lope overs when practicing the ranch trail.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Pulling a Gate Open
Another variation of gate obstacle includes pulling the gate open to go through it. Cody Crow demonstrates how he likes to compete this maneuver.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Back-Through Gate
Cody Crow goes through the steps of a basic back-through gate commonly seen in the ranch trail.
Introduction to Ranch Trail: Dragging a Log
Handling a Rope: Let it Touch Your Horse's Hip
The next step in desensitizing your horse to a rope and dragging a log is by letting the rope touch your horse's hip so he can get use to the feel of a rope pulling something.
Work the Gate
How do you work the gate in the ranch riding? Bud Lyon demonstrates and explains how it differs from other trail patterns.
Eliminating and Choosing a Cow
Cody Crow helps clinic participants determine how to eliminate and choose a cow in the cowhorse events.
Ground Tying for Ranch Trail
An obstacle you might come across in ranch trail is ground tying. Cody Crow goes over what a +1 score looks like for this manuever, and then goes over what you're expected to do with your reins when you ride in romal reins or split reins.
Riding Over Different Lopeover Distances
In ranch trail you might come across different sets of lopeover logs that are set at different distances. Cody Crow shows you how you can lengthen and shorten your horse's stride to get over different log obstacles at the lope.