Ranch Riding

Ranch Riding

Bud Lyon, Cody Crow, and more help perfect your ranch riding horsemanship and improve your performance in the arena.

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Ranch Riding
  • Rommel vs. Split Reins

    Bud Lyon discusses rommel vs. split reins. He describes situations in which both types of reins have been used and gives his advice for choosing between them. He notes that both types are legal to use in the ranch riding.

  • Defining Ranch Riding

    Bud Lyon reads the AQHA ranch riding description and discusses the intention of the class and how the ideal ranch riding horse should perform.

  • Leaning in the Rundown

    If your horse likes to lean one way or another when you're practicing your rundowns, Bud Lyon shows you how you can fix it before your next horse show.

  • The Difference Between the Left and Right Turns

    Just like people, horses are either right handed or left handed. Bud Lyon works with a horse and shows the difference between his right and left turns and shows you which direction his horse struggles with more.

  • Stiff in the Sliding Stop

    Does your horse get tight when it comes time to stop? Or does he start to stiffen when you cue the stop? Bud Lyon shows you a few drills you can use to fix that problem.

  • Getting Tight in the Rundown

    Do you feel like your horse gets tense when it comes time to run down and stop in a reining pattern? Bud Lyon goes over how he likes to help his horse free up his shoulders so he can stop with ease.

  • Fixing the Spin By Trotting

    If your horse struggles with spinning, Bud Lyon shows you how he likes to incorporate trotting into his practice to help his horse find his footing.

  • Fixing Too Much Bend in the Spin

    Having a horse bend too much in a spin can cause many issues. Bud works with a horse that likes to have too much bend when he's turning and shows you how he fixes the problem.

  • Green Horse Lead Change Practice

    Bud Lyon works a green ranch riding horse and shows you how he likes to work with a green horse on their flying lead change.

  • Lateral and Forward Movement for Lead Changes

    You must have lateral and forward movement if you want your horse to perform a flying lead change. Bud Lyon schools a green ranch riding horse and works on his horse's green flying lead change.

  • Turnaround Tune Up

    If you find your horse getting dull when you ask him to spin, you might need to school the turnaround to help tune him up.

  • Schooling the Backup

    Does your horse get sluggish when it's time to back up? Bud Lyon shows you how to effectively get your horse's feet moving while staying collected and underneath himself.

  • Be Proactive During Pattern Practice

    Bud Lyon goes over the importance of being proactive during pattern placement, so you can ensure your horse is prepared for the show pen.

  • Ranch Riding Pattern Practice:Part 2

    In this next video, Bud has his non-pro go through a ranch riding pattern again, and try to fix any mistakes she had in the first go.

  • Ranch Riding Pattern Practice

    Bud Lyon works with one of his non-pro riders and has them practice a ranch riding pattern at home so he can evaluate what they need to work on in the future.

  • Schooling Ranch Riding Obstacles

    If your horse isn't listening to your cues, or isn't be careful with where he's placing his feet when you're going over ranch riding obstacles, Bud Lyon goes over the importance of schooling your horse to help him learn where he's supposed to place his feet.

  • Practicing Ranch Riding Obstacles

    If you plan on competing in ranch riding events, you need to be familiar with going over logs at a walk, trot, and lope, and must be able to sidepass over a log. In this video Bud Lyon works with a non-pro rider and goes over the different obstacles he practices when he's at home.

  • Ranch Riding Warm Up: Going Down the Scale

    Once you're done moving up the scale, it's time to start working on your downward transitions and go down the scale. Bud Lyon has one of his non pro riders demonstrate the second part of this warm up.

  • Ranch Riding Warm Up: Moving Up the Scale

    Bud Lyon goes over one of his favorite warm-up drills he does with his non-pro riders and explains the purpose behind "moving up the scale."