Ranch Riding

Ranch Riding

Bud Lyon, Cody Crow, and more help perfect your ranch riding horsemanship and improve your performance in the arena.

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Ranch Riding
  • Executing a Lead Change During a Pattern

    A lead change—either flying or simple—is part of the AQHA Ranch Riding Pattern 1. Bud Lyon helps a rider struggling with the lead change during the pattern.

  • Guiding a Young Horse Through a Ranch Riding Pattern

    Bud Lyon coaches a rider with a young horse through she rides the AQHA Ranch Riding Pattern 1. He explains how slowing down and focusing on correctness can help your young horse learn to perform the maneuver accurately.

  • Judging a Non Pro's Pattern

    Bud breaks down a run from a non pro rider and horse who has been used in the reining as they go through the AQHA Ranch Riding Pattern 1. He offers constructive feedback during her ride, they discuss where penalties may occur and what the point deductions for each penalty would be.

  • AQHA Ranch Riding Pattern 1 with a Non Pro

    Bud coaches a rider as she rides the AQHA Ranch Riding Pattern 1. He offers constructive feedback during her ride, they discuss where penalties may occur and what the point deductions for each penalty would be.

  • AQHA Ranch Riding Pattern 1 Breakdown

    Bud Lyon demonstrates AQHA Ranch Riding Pattern 1. He breaks down each maneuver, discussing the placement and what the judges are looking for in each.

  • Preparing for a Ranch Riding Pattern

    Learn more about the ranch riding patterns and strategies for executing them. Bud Lyon discusses best practices for riding the patterns and gives a demonstration.

  • Teaching a Young Horse Walkovers and Trotovers

    Bud Lyon helps a rider with a young horse with walkovers and trotovers. They focus on cadence and footfall.

  • Sidepassing a Young Horse Over a Log

    Bud coaches a student as she works on a sidepass over a log with a young horse. He explains how slowing down and focusing on correctness can help your young horse learn to perform the maneuver accurately.

  • Troubleshooting Trotovers

    Bud coaches a rider as she works on trotovers. He encourages the rider to create more impulsion while focusing on cadence and rhythm.

  • Troubleshooting the Sidepass

    Bud coaches a rider as she works on a sidepass over a log. He offers helpful feedback on her starting position and hand position.

  • Control Their Feet in a Walkover

    Bud Lyon demonstrates a training drill that will help you control your horse's feet in a log walkover.

  • Log Spacing in the Ranch Riding

    Learn what the spacing should be in the ranch riding pattern. Bud breaks down how to set your logs for practice and what your spacing should be like.

  • Breaking Down Log Walkovers

    Bud Lyon breaks down log walkover in ranch riding. He explains why foot placement and footfall is so important and what you can do to ride the log walkover smoothly.

  • Sidepass a Log

    Learn how to correctly sidepass a log in ranch riding.

  • A Dressage Rider Tries Ranch Riding

    Bud Lyon helps a dressage rider who is new to the sport of ranch riding work through some fundamentals.

  • Clean Up Your Transitions

    Bud works with a rider on cleaning up her transitions, mainly from extended gaits to regular gaits. He also discusses the importance of steering.

  • Rein Length During an Extension

    Bud Lyon explains how long your reins should be during an extension. He discusses how to handle your reins properly during the extension so you don't get a penatly from the judge.

  • Teaching a Horse to Extend

    Bud explains how to teach your horse to extend his stride. He walks us through a drill geared at helping your horse extend his stride.

  • Hand Placement

    In ranch riding, hand placement should be subtle. Bud discusses hand placement with a rider and gives her feedback.

  • Speed Control

    Bud coaches a rider through a series of transitions. He offers feedback and advice on what the rider can do to better prepare her horse for the ranch riding.

  • Build the Foundation Drill

    Bud Lyon demonstrates a foundation drill. He also discusses how to use your hand, leg, and voice to keep your horse listening through the transitions. He also explains the concept of "inviting the mistake" during training.

  • Movement and Expression

    Is movement judged in the ranch riding? Bud Lyon discusses how a horse's movement and expression comes into play in the ranch riding.

  • Head Carriage in the Ranch Riding

    Bud Lyon discusses appropriate head carriage in the ranch riding. He gives a brief overview of certain conformations that lend themselves to ranch riding and how head carriage may affect judging.

  • How is the Ranch Riding Judged?

    A good ranch riding horse is one you want to ride all day long. Bud Lyon explains how the ranch riding is judged and how it differs from reining.