During the ranch rail portion of a ranch versatility event, you'll be asked to do gait transitions and extended gaits. Cody Crow shows you what to do at home if your horse likes to break into a lope when asking him to extend trot.
Up Next in Pattern 7 Drills
Practicing Ranch Riding Obstacles
If you plan on competing in ranch riding events, you need to be familiar with going over logs at a walk, trot, and lope, and must be able to sidepass over a log. In this video Bud Lyon works with a non-pro rider and goes over the different obstacles he practices when he's at home.
Rail Work: Extended Lope to Extended ...
In the ranch rail (or riding depending on the association) portion of a ranch versatility events, you're required to perform different gait transitions and extensions at different parts of the arena. Cody Crow shows you how he likes to go from an extended lope to an extended trot in this event.
Lead Changes:Diagonals
In the progression of teaching a horse lead changes, this diagonal exercise is a great way to keep your horse honest, and listening to your riding cues. Brad Barkemeyer shows you a drill you can add to your riding session.