Ranch Riding Pattern Drills

Ranch Riding Pattern Drills

15 Seasons

The "Ranch Riding Pattern Drills" video series on Ride TV is an essential resource for riders aiming to excel in ranch riding. This series provides a comprehensive guide to mastering the various patterns and movements required in ranch riding, emphasizing precision, fluidity, and effective communication between horse and rider. Featuring expert trainers who demonstrate and break down each drill, the videos cover key elements such as transitions, circles, stops, and turns. Viewers learn how to refine their technique and improve their performance through detailed instruction and practical tips. Whether you're a competitive rider or simply looking to enhance your skills, the "Ranch Riding Pattern Drills" series offers valuable insights to help you achieve a higher level of proficiency and confidence in ranch riding.

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Ranch Riding Pattern Drills
  • Executing a Lead Change During a Pattern

    Episode 1

    A lead change—either flying or simple—is part of the AQHA Ranch Riding Pattern 1. Bud Lyon helps a rider struggling with the lead change during the pattern.

  • Drills to Teach Flying Lead Changes

    Episode 2

    Once your horse has body control and collection, it's time to start working toward flying lead changes. Cody Crow shows you an exercise you can use to help prepare your horse for flying lead changes.

  • Rail Work: Extended Trot to Jog Transition

    Episode 3

    Teach your horse how to go from an extended trot to a jog for ranch rail and ranch riding competition.

  • Schooling a Ranch Riding Turnaround

    Episode 4

    A turnaround in ranch riding or ranch trail is going to be different from a reining spin. Cody Crow shows you the difference between a 0 turnaround and a +1 turnaround. Then talks about the different ways you can school your turnaround at home to improve your score in the show pen.

  • Control Their Feet in a Walkover

    Episode 5

    Bud Lyon demonstrates a training drill that will help you control your horse's feet in a log walkover.

  • Qaulity of Movement at the Extended Trot

    Episode 6

    For the extended trot, Cody teaches you how to push your horse to extend their trot without losing their smooth gait. You will learn what judges look for during the extended trot.