Fence Work Drill for Young Horses Part 2
Justin Briggs explains how he is encouraging a 2-year-old filly to not push down on the bridle with certain drills with forward momentum.
Fence Work Drill for Young Horses
Justin Briggs demonstrates how to introduce a rollback exercise along the fence on a colt that is following his hands well in a side-pull. This exercise helps colts use their hind end for power and front end for direction.
Hand Position on Colts
Justin Briggs explains where his hand placement is on split reins and why.
The Rules of Ranch Sorting
Logan Wolfe breaks down the rules of ranch sorting and does a quick demonstration of the event with a rider who is newer to the sport.
Finding Wins on 2-Year-Olds
Justin Briggs finds ways to boost a colts confidence by rewarding them for their small wins.
The Feed Room: Episode Three - Supplementing for Success
Equine experts share supplement tips, key ingredients, and essential nutrition advice for optimal health.
How to Use a Loping Hackamore
Justin Briggs likes to use a loping hackamore on colts that have been just started under saddle because it has side nose pressure and chin pressure. This teaches them the pressure they will experience in a curb bit in the future. Justin shows us how to use the hackamore and how it should fit.
Separating Cattle in Ranch Sorting
An important part of ranch sorting is knowing how to safely separate a cow from the herd. Logan Wolfe goes over the basics of separating cattle and what to expect.
2-Year-Old Expectations
Justin Briggs explains his expectations for a 2-year-old that has 10 days of riding under them. He works on being "square" on the ground by driving them past and giving them a release. Briggs also explains how this drill will help them drive off their hind-end in the future on the barrel patt...
Learning How to Read Cattle
Understanding how to read a cow can be the difference between winning a ranch sorting event and being a participant. Logan Wolfe breaks down the basics of understanding a cow and how you can practice reading a cow at home.
Show Prep Lesson
Brad works with a rider preparing for a ranch cutting show by teaching him how to tune up his horse and practice with turnback help to simulate the atmosphere of a real show. Begin with dry work to focus on execution of maneuvers, then move on to practicing on live cattle.
Spend a Day with Bud Lyon
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"Spend a Day with Bud Lyon" provides an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at a ranch riding clinic led by the seasoned expert, Bud Lyon. This series offers detailed instruction on fundamental ranch riding techniques, including maneuvers like sidepassing logs, trotovers, and controlling transitions...
Women in Rodeo
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The stories of the trailblazers, champions, and everyday heroines who have pushed the boundaries and redefined what it means to be a women in rodeo are now available in the Women in Rodeo playlist exclusively on Ride TV. These women embody the spirit of rodeo, balancing tradition with a drive for...
3-Year-Old Expectations on Dash Ta The Future
Jordon Briggs cruises a 3-year-old by Dash Ta Fame and explains what she felt during that run-through. She talks about her expectations for him now and how he will futurity his 5-year-old year when he is more mature.
Set Yourself Up for Success When Circling
When your horse is rating well and responsive during boxing and fence work practice, learn from Brad how to successfully set yourself up for circling. Brad teaches how to finish a turn and start circling, and what to do if your cow stays on the wall.
Introducing Your Horse to Cattle and Ranch Sorting
Logan Wolfe goes over the basics of introducing a horse to cattle so that your horse is comfortable being around them and working them in a timed event.
The Feed Room: Episode Two - Gut Instincts
In this episode of "The Feed Room," we explore the critical role of gut health in your horse's overall well-being. "Gut Instincts" dives into essential nutrients that support a healthy equine digestive system, detailing how these nutrients function to maintain a balanced gut. Learn about the uniq...
The Perfect Pattern
Jordon Briggs shows us the correct approach to the first barrel to set up a perfect barrel pattern while she is in the alleyway.
Ranch Sorting Warm Up
In this warm-up we show you a few different drills you can do before working cattle to ensure your horse is tuned up and ready to work cattle.
Fundamentals of Fence Work
Brad Barkemeyer breaks down his checklist during fence work practice that focuses on each section; boxing, going down the fence, and circling. Follow these steps to practice form and execution of maneuvers, and pay attention to where your horse needs support or practice.
Barrel Racing Posture
Jordon Briggs explains how important posture is in the barrel saddle. Correct posture in the saddle will set you up for success in the barrel pattern.
Proper Position and Form During Circling
Brad discusses the importance of focusing on form during circling, and how to teach your horse to keep his shoulder up and drive his hip to the inside to avoid leaning on the cow.
Ranch Sorting Tack and Gear Recommendations
While ranch sorting does not have certain tack and gear requirements to participate, Logan Wolfe tells you what he recommends having to allow your horse to have the best time possible at his first ranch sorting.
The Feed Room: Episode One - Extruded Feeds
Sentinel Nutrition Expert Dr. Randy Raub explains the benefits of including extruded feed in your horse’s feed program in episode one of The Feed Room. Dr. Raub describes how extruded feeds are made, how that process sets it apart from other types of feed, and how extruded feed increases your hor...