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Ranch Riding Fundamentals: Steering and Guiding
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Bud Lyon walks you through the basics of teaching your horse to steer and guide for events like ranch riding and ranch trail.
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Ranch Riding Fundamentals: Gait Exten...
Gait extension and transitions are a very large part of a ranch riding pattern. Bud Lyon works with a green ranch riding horse and works on speed transitions and asking for gait extension.
Ranch Riding Fundamentals: The Founda...
Your horse's foundation is everything. Bud Lyon trains on a green horse and goes over the foundation he likes to put on a horse before he starts doing ranch riding with them.
Beisel Bands
In this video, Emily Beisel explains the story behind “Beisel Bands,” the internet-named rubberbands Beisel used to hold her hands down aboard Chongo at the 2020 NFR.