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How to Use a Loping Hackamore

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The Feed Room: Episode Three - Supplementing for Success

New Releases • 11m

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  • How to Use a Loping Hackamore

    Justin Briggs likes to use a loping hackamore on colts that have been just started under saddle because it has side nose pressure and chin pressure. This teaches them the pressure they will experience in a curb bit in the future. Justin shows us how to use the hackamore and how it should fit.

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    An important part of ranch sorting is knowing how to safely separate a cow from the herd. Logan Wolfe goes over the basics of separating cattle and what to expect.

  • 2-Year-Old Expectations

    Justin Briggs explains his expectations for a 2-year-old that has 10 days of riding under them. He works on being "square" on the ground by driving them past and giving them a release. Briggs also explains how this drill will help them drive off their hind-end in the future on the barrel patt...