Fundamentals of Fence Work
New Releases
Brad Barkemeyer breaks down his checklist during fence work practice that focuses on each section; boxing, going down the fence, and circling. Follow these steps to practice form and execution of maneuvers, and pay attention to where your horse needs support or practice.
Up Next in New Releases
Barrel Racing Posture
Jordon Briggs explains how important posture is in the barrel saddle. Correct posture in the saddle will set you up for success in the barrel pattern.
Proper Position and Form During Circling
Brad discusses the importance of focusing on form during circling, and how to teach your horse to keep his shoulder up and drive his hip to the inside to avoid leaning on the cow.
Ranch Sorting Tack and Gear Recommend...
While ranch sorting does not have certain tack and gear requirements to participate, Logan Wolfe tells you what he recommends having to allow your horse to have the best time possible at his first ranch sorting.