Introducing Your Horse to the Dummy and Basics of Practicing While Moving
New Releases
4m 50s
When you're ready to practice on a moving target, introduce your horse to the dummy to develop a pattern and routine, and teach rate. Analyze how your horse responds to the dummy, and allow him to become comfortable by tracking it before you begin roping.
Up Next in New Releases
Schooling Flying Lead Changes
These flying lead change drills will keep your horse from anticipating the flying lead change and focusing more on body control.
Reining Warm-Up
Crystal McNutt goes through her daily warm up she does with her reining horses to help evaluate what she's going to work on each day.
Working Session: One-Handed and Colle...
Yes, barrel racers should work the poles. In fact, poles can be a barrel racer's best friend! In this video, Justin Briggs shows us how to perfect working with one hand and how to gain collection with the help of some poles. Learn how Justin and Jordon Briggs use the poles in their training progr...