Justin Briggs shows us how to use reins and teach neck reining on a young horse.
Up Next in Young Horse Training
How to Warm Up a 3-Year-Old
Justin Briggs explains how he warms up a 3-year-old and emphasizes the importance of keeping their feet moving. He starts by trotting them around and ensuring the horse is paying attention to the rider.
Self-Evaluating Your Riding
Bad habits can evolve when we are trying to win like leg lifts etc... Justin Briggs explains how important it is to self-evaluate yourself and the habits you've created while riding. Watching your own videos can give you insight on what you're sitting correct in the saddle during a barrel run.
How to Use a Back Cinch
Justin Briggs finds back cinches very important, especially in barrel racing. He introduces a back cinch to a colt very early in his training so they can learn what that pressure feels like.