Justin Briggs explains how he warms up a 3-year-old and emphasizes the importance of keeping their feet moving. He starts by trotting them around and ensuring the horse is paying attention to the rider.
Up Next in Young Horse Training
Self-Evaluating Your Riding
Bad habits can evolve when we are trying to win like leg lifts etc... Justin Briggs explains how important it is to self-evaluate yourself and the habits you've created while riding. Watching your own videos can give you insight on what you're sitting correct in the saddle during a barrel run.
How to Use a Back Cinch
Justin Briggs finds back cinches very important, especially in barrel racing. He introduces a back cinch to a colt very early in his training so they can learn what that pressure feels like.
Fence Work Drill for Young Horses Part 2
Justin Briggs explains how he is encouraging a 2-year-old filly to not push down on the bridle with certain drills with forward momentum.