Justin Briggs
4 Seasons
Justin Briggs is bringing colt starting and training expertise to Ride TV. Professional horse trainer. Briggs offers an insightful glimpse into his comprehensive approach to horse training, focusing particularly on the critical early stages of a colt's development. From ground work and initial saddling to refining steering and introducing riding cues, Briggs demonstrates his methodical process with precision and care. He emphasizes the importance of gauging each colt's individual confidence level and tailoring the training accordingly, all while prioritizing safety and longevity in the horse's career. With a wealth of experience and expertise, Briggs shares valuable insights on selecting prospects, establishing foundational skills, and nurturing a balanced, responsive partnership between horse and rider. Throughout his demonstration, Briggs underscores the significance of thoughtful training methods that prioritize the horse's well-being and development over shortcuts or fatigue.
02:03Episode 1
Forward Turnaround Drill
Episode 1
Justin Briggs explains how to use a forward turnaround drill on a young horse loping around too flat and disengaged.
01:48Episode 2
How To Use Reins
Episode 2
Justin Briggs shows us how to use reins and teach neck reining on a young horse.
07:07Episode 3
How to Warm Up a 3-Year-Old
Episode 3
Justin Briggs explains how he warms up a 3-year-old and emphasizes the importance of keeping their feet moving. He starts by trotting them around and ensuring the horse is paying attention to the rider.
02:14Episode 4
Self-Evaluating Your Riding
Episode 4
Bad habits can evolve when we are trying to win like leg lifts etc... Justin Briggs explains how important it is to self-evaluate yourself and the habits you've created while riding. Watching your own videos can give you insight on what you're sitting correct in the saddle during a barrel run.
04:12Episode 5
How to Use a Back Cinch
Episode 5
Justin Briggs finds back cinches very important, especially in barrel racing. He introduces a back cinch to a colt very early in his training so they can learn what that pressure feels like.
Fence Work Drill for Young Horses Part 2
Episode 6
Justin Briggs explains how he is encouraging a 2-year-old filly to not push down on the bridle with certain drills with forward momentum.
03:59Episode 7
Fence Work Drill for Young Horses
Episode 7
Justin Briggs demonstrates how to introduce a rollback exercise along the fence on a colt that is following his hands well in a side-pull. This exercise helps colts use their hind end for power and front end for direction.
02:22Episode 8
Hand Position on Colts
Episode 8
Justin Briggs explains where his hand placement is on split reins and why.
02:13Episode 9
Finding Wins on 2-Year-Olds
Episode 9
Justin Briggs finds ways to boost a colts confidence by rewarding them for their small wins.
08:40Episode 10
How to Use a Loping Hackamore
Episode 10
Justin Briggs likes to use a loping hackamore on colts that have been just started under saddle because it has side nose pressure and chin pressure. This teaches them the pressure they will experience in a curb bit in the future. Justin shows us how to use the hackamore and how it should fit.
05:29Episode 11
2-Year-Old Expectations
Episode 11
Justin Briggs explains his expectations for a 2-year-old that has 10 days of riding under them. He works on being "square" on the ground by driving them past and giving them a release. Briggs also explains how this drill will help them drive off their hind-end in the future on the barrel patt...
07:33Episode 12
Crash Course on Riding Young Horses
Episode 12
Justin Briggs kicks off the futurity trainer's clinic by working 4-year-old "Bluey," a son of A Streak of Fling. He gives an introduction of how he gets his horses very soft when riding with one hand or two and provides an overview of the main points the students will work through during the two-...
08:34Episode 13
Freeing up the Horse's Body
Episode 13
Justin helps a student at the Briggs clinic work with her younger horse who is showing her stiffness through the hip and shoulders. He explains how he uses his seat and hands to teach horses how to respond to different cues and stay loose through their body during the ride. They also work on the ...
Tuning: Correcting the "Spoiled Toddler," Young Horse
Episode 14
A student at the Briggs' trainer's clinic shows Jordon and Justin where her young horse is at on the pattern and slow works her. Jordon and Justin break down the horse's weak points and explain how the filly is behaving like a "spoiled brat," and what a trainer can do to work through that mentali...
06:14Episode 15
The Single-Barrel Drill on a 3-year-old
Episode 15
Justin Briggs shows how he correlates shoulder and hip position to achieve body control before Jordon Briggs takes their prospects to the barrel pattern.
01:53Episode 16
The One Barrel Drill on a 4-year-old
Episode 16
The onehanded, singlebarrel drill on a 4yearold A Streak Of Fling gelding demonstrated by horseman and team roper Justin Briggs.
Leads & Changing Arcs on a 3-Year-Old Goodbye Lane
Episode 17
Professional horseman Justin Briggs shows how he gets a prospect soft and responsive loping circles without holding the horse together.
10:05Episode 18
Working a 2-Year-Old on Driving Lines
Episode 18
Justin Briggs takes a 2-year-old out in the round pen using driving lines and explains how to do it safely.
Justin Works the 4-Year-Old A Streak Of Fling
Episode 19
Professional horseman Justin Briggs demonstrates how he gets his 4yearold A Streak Of Fling more comfortable with switching leads in preparation for Jordon's pattern work.
09:59Episode 20
Hoof Trimming Basics
Episode 20
Accomplished horseman Justin Briggs shows his method of safely working with a yearling to trim its hooves.
02:22Episode 21
Develop a Relationship with Your Colt
Episode 21
Professional trainer Justin Briggs answers the question of what type of personality he looks for in a prospect and how personality is molded by a thoughtful training approach.
01:54Episode 22
How to Approach Sensitive Colts
Episode 22
Professional horseman Justin Briggs answers the question posed by a viewer as to how he approaches a hypersenstive colt.
01:21Episode 23
Adding Intensity to Drills Off the Pattern
Episode 23
Justin Briggs talks about the importance of adding intensity to simple exercises away from the pattern and the importance of teaching horses about speed transitions.
01:47Episode 24
Hand Position When Riding Colts
Episode 24
Justin Briggs shares his his typical hand position when riding colts and how it translates later to riding finished rope and barrel horses.