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Justin and Jordon Briggs' Barrel Clinic

Working a Horse That's Learning the Barrel Pattern

8m 50s

Up Next in Part 1

  • Tuning: Jordon Jumps on A Green Horse

    Jordon works with a student whose horse is struggling with dumping in the front end. She decides to step on the horse, and works it on and off the barrels, then gives her diagnosis.

  • Tuning: The "Sticky" Spot

    Jordon works with a student whose horse has an attitude about a part of his run, which she calls the "sticky spot." Learn how Briggs recommends fixing this problem and working with a horse that can catch an attitude during tuning.

  • Tuning: Creating a Balanced Horse

    Justin Briggs has ridden a lot of young horses that develop to be taller in the hind end before their front end catches up. Justin explains how he works his horses to help them level out without constricting their neck and forward movement. Then, he gets on this student's horse and demonstrates h...