

Through horsemanship training videos with Al Dunning, Brad Barkemeyer, Bud Lyon, Ken McNabb, and Amberley Snyder, develop a true partnership with your horse by gaining a better understanding of how horses think and respond.

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  • LargeCricle Drill

    Once your horse can do the small and medium circles, it's time to test out your loping abilities and do the largecircle drill.

  • MediumCircle Drill

    In the second part of this drill Brad speeds things up in the mediumsized drill and shows you what you can do once you've progressed from the small circle to the medium circle.

  • SmallCircle Drill

    Brad Barkemeyer has a threecircle drill he uses to help work his horse. In the first part, he works on the smallest circle, where he does things at the walk and back to get his body soft and responding to his cues.

  • Finding the Right Horse for You

    Monique Potts shares what she looks for in a horse when she's shopping for a horse for one of her customers.

  • Triangle Exercise

    Teach your horse to be soft and supple with Ken McNabb. Improve your horsemanship with Ken McNabb's triangle exercise.

  • Start Your Ride Right

    Ken McNabb explains his pre-ride tips for starting your ride off right. Improve your horsemanship by keeping your horse comfortable.

  • How it Works - Snaffle-Bit Pressure

    Ken McNabb explains how a snaffle works.

  • Safe Tying

    Western horseman Ken McNabb instructs on how to safely tie your horse. Improve your horsemanship by understanding horse and tack safety.

  • Keep Horsemanship Fun

    Ken McNabb offers tips on keeping horsemanship and Western riding fun. Have fun with your horse by improving your horsemanship and understanding your horse's mouth.

  • Keep a Quiet Seat

    Sit quiet in the saddle to improve your horsemanship. Ken McNabb offers advice on how to relax in the Western saddle to keep a quiet seat while riding.

  • Horsemanship Buffet

    Keep your horse happy and healthy by understanding what Western tack to use when riding.

  • Head and Neck Carriage

    Create an ideal Western head and neck carriage with Ken McNabb's advice. Advance your horsemanship using Western riding tips from Ken McNabb.

  • Get in the Driver's Seat

    Improve your horsemanship by riding your horse instead of being a passenger. Be in control of your horse with these exercises from Ken McNabb.

  • Introduction to Going Down the Fence

    Brad takes a three-year-old horse down the fence for the first time. He walks us through his run and explains every step and move he makes. Brad works two different cows and goes over his process for both of them.

  • Adjusting for the Horse and Steer You Have

    Brad Lund coaches Dakota through a steer stopping run. He explains the technique Dakota is using and then the two discuss being able to adjust your routine based on the horse you have and the steer you get.

  • Matching the Speed of the Steer

    Dakota Kirchenschlager steer stops on a reining horse. Brad Lund coaches him through it and the two disect the run. Brad talks about how Dakota's horse struggles to match the speed of the steer and gives tips to prevent this on the next run.

  • Controlling Your Horse

  • Timing in Steer Stopping

    Brad demonstrates steer stoping and then explains why timing is such an important part of the event.

  • Preventing Anticipation in the Box

    Brad Lund works a horse in the box that is anticipating letting the cow out. He walks us through his training process and how he get's him to focus while waiting for the cow to leave.

  • Brad Lund’s Bit Collection

    In this part of the series, Brad walks us through his bit collection and explains why he uses each one.

  • Switching Leads While Working a Cow

    Brad coaches professional roper Dakota Kirchenschlager as he works a cow down the fence and changes leads throughout the run.

  • Anticipating Lead Changes

    In this video, Brad coaches Dakota through schooling a horse that anticipates lead changes.

  • Training a Horse for the Reined Cow Horse Events

    Brad and Dakota talk about the challenges of training a horse to do all three of the reined cow horse events.

  • Lead Changes

    Brad works on lead changes with one of his green horses. He goes over everything needed to set the horse up for a flying lead change and talks us through his training process.