

Explore the thrilling world of cutting horses with Ride TV's Cutting video series. This comprehensive collection dives deep into the exciting sport of cutting, showcasing top competitors, expert techniques, and in-depth analysis of cutting horse competitions. Learn from the best as industry professionals share their insights and strategies for success in the arena. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or new to the sport, this series provides valuable tips and knowledge to improve your skills and understanding. Tune in to Ride TV's Cutting video series for exclusive content and immerse yourself in the fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping action of cutting horse events.

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  • Cutting Horse Conformation

    Conformation preferences can vary from event to event, while good conformation will help a horse excel in any event. Winston Hansma breaks down what he likes to see in a cutting horse's conformation.

  • Cutting Horse Bit Selection

    If you're unsure of where to start or what bit to progress to, Winston Hansma breaks down his personal bit collection to help you understand the form and function of various cutting bits.

  • Contact with the Bridle Reins

    Keeping contact with the bridle reins will help a young horse understand the cues you ask once he's ready to start working live cattle.

  • Cara Brewer’s Historical Bit Collection

    Cara and her husband, Scott, show us their historical bit collection. They talk about bits they have from Buster Welch that they still use today and Cara's top 5 bits that she uses the most.

  • Using the Flag as a Training Tool

    In this video, Cara explains how she uses the flag as a training tool with her horses. She will work them on the flag to work on controlling her horse's body, to prevent anticipation, and to help keep the finished cutting horses in shape.

  • A Non Pro’s First Time Working a Cow

    Cara has a non pro rider work a cow for the very first time. She talks the rider through working the cow and gives tips for watching the cow and trusting your horse.

  • Making a Cut Drill with a Non Pro

    A non pro practices making a cut from the herd on foot while Cara coaches her through the process.

  • On-Foot Drill to Practice Making a Cut

    Cara shows us a drill that helps you learn how to make the best cut from a herd.

  • Introducing a Young Rider to Cutting

    Cara talks about the kind of horse you should use when introducing a young rider to the cutting.

  • Lessoning a Youth in the Cutting

    Cara gives her son a cutting lesson. He works multiple cows and she talks us through everything she has him do.

  • Developing a Horse’s Style

    In this video, Cara talks about how she develops a horse's style and what you should be paying attention to with young cutting horses.

  • Working Through Anticipation with a 2-Year-Old

    Cara works a 2-year-old mare on several cows. She works through small issues that come up and helps the mare through anticipating the cows next move.

  • Training Tools for a 2-Year-Old

    Cara talks about the training tools she uses with her 2-year-old horses when training them for the cutting events.

  • Working a Cow with a 2-Year Old

    Cara cuts a cow from the herd on a green 2-year-old. She explains how the horse feels and what she's going to do to mentally prepare him to work a cow.

  • Introducing a 2-Year-Old to Cutting

    In this video, Cara explains how she introduces 2-year-old horses to cows and how she begins teaching them the foundation of cutting.

  • Picking a Cow

    Cara explains what you should look for when deciding which one to cut from the herd at a show. She talks about how she studies the cows and gets to know a new herd.

  • How To Keep a Horse from Anticipating the Cow

    Cara explains the negatives of your horse anticipating the cows next move. Then, she talks about the best ways to prevent him from anticipating anything.

  • Beating the Cow to the Stop

    Cara talks about why the only place you want to beat a cow to is the stop. She explains how this is part of the control your horse has over the cow and why it's so important in the cutting.

  • Different Cues for Going Forward and Stopping

    Cara explains the difference between pressing on your horse and kicking him. Then talks about how it's important to have your horse constantly thinking about stopping, no matter what cues you're using. She demonstrates all of this and talks through as she goes.

  • How Much Work Does Each Horse Need?

    Cara explains why she works each horse differently depending on their needs. She explains why a senior horse doesn't need as much training in between shows as a younger horse and talks about how she keeps them fit during their time off.

  • Keeping an Anxious Horse Focused

    Cara explains how some horses will become nervous when working on a cow and become distracted. She talks about the methods she uses at home to help an anxious horse stay focused on the cow they're working.

  • Holding Your Horse Straight in a Stop

    A lot of horses will become squirmy or not stop straight when working a cow. Cara explains how she keeps her horse straight during a stop which helps keep them focused.

  • Mentally Preparing Your Horse to Cut a Cow

    Cara explains how she mentally prepares her horse before going into a herd of cows. She talks about the different things you should and shouldn't be feeling, and then demonstrates with her horse.

  • Working with a Hot Horse

    Cara introduces us to a 7-year-old mare that has a tendency to get hot or over excited. She explains why you need to ride and train a hot horse differently. Then, Cara talks about how she handles hot horses.