

Explore the thrilling world of cutting horses with Ride TV's Cutting video series. This comprehensive collection dives deep into the exciting sport of cutting, showcasing top competitors, expert techniques, and in-depth analysis of cutting horse competitions. Learn from the best as industry professionals share their insights and strategies for success in the arena. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or new to the sport, this series provides valuable tips and knowledge to improve your skills and understanding. Tune in to Ride TV's Cutting video series for exclusive content and immerse yourself in the fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping action of cutting horse events.

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  • Letting Your Horse Work on a Drape Rein

    When you show a cutter, you do so on a loose rein and by using your feet. Learning how to work your horse on a drape rein and avoid "helping" your horse with your hands will allow you to be successful in the show pen.

  • How to Reward Your Horse

    There are many areas where a horse can find release in the cutting pen. RL explains that the biggest release and reward for the horse is a pet on the neck and getting to rest.

  • How Lopers Prepare Horses for Trainers

    Lopers are the riders who warm up the horses for the trainers. Learn more about the loper's job and what that they do to help the horses be successful with the trainer.

  • How Cutting is Judged

    If you're wanting to get into cutting but aren't sure what the judges look for, RL breaks down how the event is judged. Learn about what the judges will look for when you ride into the show pen.

  • How Cutting Differs from Cow Horse

    There are some major differences between cutting and the cutting portion of the cow horse. RL Chartier explains key differences between the events.

  • Holding the Saddle Horn

    If you're familiar with cutting, then you know that holding the horn is essential for body control. When your horse goes to stop or manuever around a cow, you have to remain centered and not lean forward.

  • Herd Work for Beginners

    Herd work is an art and can be challenging for beginners. Learning how to navigate the herd while being able to control your horse takes practice and timing.

  • Get the Cutting Crouch

    Watching an experienced cutting horse, you'll notice that he will get low to the ground as he works the cow. RL explains you can't train a horse to develop the crouch, but instead the horse will develop it at his own pace.

  • Dry Working a Young Horse

    Dry working a young horse will help to not only prepare his body for the manuevers he's about to perform, but will also prepare his mind. Watch to learn how RL dry works his young horse before working cattle.

  • Developing Feel for a Young Cutter

    When working with a young horse, RL likes for the horse to have some feel because the more you work on the training the more electric they will remain throughout their career. The horses that go through the motions and are too relaxed are less likely to be responsive and aware when it comes to de...

  • Deep Cuts

    RL Chartier explains what a deep cut is while his client demonstrates. Being able to perform a deep cut will help you maximize your points in the show pen.

  • Daily Cutting Bridles

    Learn about the various types of bits used on cutting horses. RL explains the bits that he uses in his program and why he uses each bit on a horse.

  • Body Position for Cutting

    Body position is important for you as a rider. RL explains how riders have a tendancy to lean in an effort to control the cow with his or her body. Keeping your body centered will give you maximum control on the cow while your horse performs.

  • Body and Head Control During Cattle Work

    RL explains what he does for a horse that braces and gets stiff while working cattle. The more training you do to help him to understand his job will allow him to relax in the arena while doing his job.

  • Babysitter Cows

    Babysitter cattle work to help control the herd while in the practice pen. RL explains why he likes these cows as babysitters and how they perform their job.

  • Cutting Advice from a Non-Pro Rider

    Take advice from a non-pro cutter on how to get involved with the event and how to select a trainer that fits your needs and goals. Sharon explains who she is, why she loves cutting, and more about how to try the event if it's new to you.

  • Adjusting Tack for Cutting

    Tack adjustment is important in performance events to ensure safety for you and your horse. RL explains how he likes to adjust his tack.

  • Navigating the Herd

    Navigating the herd can be challenging. Learn how to properly navigate the herd to perform a cut.

  • 2-Year-Old Basics for Cutting

    Start off a young horse's career with succcess by learning the basic skills that a 2-year-old cutter should know. The goal should be able to control your horse's body like you would need to control a cow.

  • Clearing the Herd

    Learn what it means to clear the herd and how to do it from RL Chartier.

  • Hand Position and Body Control

    RL Chartier explains hand position and body control for cutting.

  • Selecting a Cut

    Learn how to cut for shape or select a cow to cut from RL Chartier.

  • Working Turns on a Young Horse

    Working a young horse at 90 degree turns teaches him to move his body correctly, however, performing any form of turn while

  • Working on a Relaxed Rein

    Working a cutting horse on a relaxed rein will help him to understand his directional cues when you do pick up on the reins.