Ride TV Go presents an exciting and deeply immersive experience into the world of rodeo with their show "Cowgirls." Set against the backdrop of the vibrant rodeo scene in Texas, the show follows a group of determined cowgirls as they navigate the challenges and triumphs of competitive bronc riding. From Gatesville’s fear-confronting rides to the historic and community-rich rodeo in Bastrop, viewers are taken on a journey through the heart of Texas. The series highlights the personal struggles, intense training, and spirited competitions, offering an authentic look at the tough yet rewarding world of women's rodeo.
Up Next in Season 1
Looking Ahead Through the Past
Immerse yourself in the riveting world of "Cowgirls" on Ride TV Go, a series that captures the heart and spirit of rodeo life in America. This episode takes you to Henrietta, Texas, for one of the most anticipated legacy rodeos, an event so exclusive and cherished that seats are handed down throu...
Finals in Glen Rose
Join us as we follow a group of fearless cowgirls on their journey through the gritty, mud-splattered arenas of Texas bronc riding. Watch as these tenacious women, each with her own unique story, tackle the challenging broncs of Henrietta and beyond, boosting their confidence and honing their ski...
Inside RIDE: Cowgirls, Season 1
A behind-the-scenes recap with Anthony Lucia and the cowgirls as they share their memories from this rodeo season.