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Bud Lyon walks you through the basics of teaching your horse to steer and guide for events like ranch riding and ranch trail.
Up Next in Ranch Riding
Ranch Riding Fundamentals: Gait Exten...
Gait extension and transitions are a very large part of a ranch riding pattern. Bud Lyon works with a green ranch riding horse and works on speed transitions and asking for gait extension.
Ranch Riding Fundamentals: The Founda...
Your horse's foundation is everything. Bud Lyon trains on a green horse and goes over the foundation he likes to put on a horse before he starts doing ranch riding with them.
Ranch Riding Tack and Gear: Senior Ho...
Horses 6 years and over, also known as senior horses in AQHA, are required to ride in a one-handed shank bit. Bud talks about romal reins versus split reins and what you'll see senior horses ride around in at a competition.