12 Days of OnDemand

12 Days of OnDemand

Watch and learn with 12 Days of Horse&Rider OnDemand!

12 Days of OnDemand
  • Introduction to Ranch Riding: Flying Lead Change

    The next step in working with a rider who is new to the ranch riding is the lead change. Bud Lyon discusses when to use a flying lead change and shows a new rider how to cue for a flying lead change.

  • Explaining Standing vs. Posting in Extended Trot

    Cody answers a question about posting vs. standing during the extended trot. He personally prefers to post, feeling that it showcases his horse's stride better, but says it is a personal decision.

  • Straightness and Rate in a Rundown

    Brad Barkemeyer explains how you progress in your riding by helping your horse finesse his approach to the sliding stop.

  • Colt-Starting Series: First 30-Day Bit Progression

    Horse trainer Miles Baker walks through his 30-day bit progression when starting colts.

  • Intro to Reining: Body Position in the Spin

    Use this drill to help improve your horse's body control in the reining spin.

  • Introducing Your Horse to Dragging a Log

    Cody Crow demonstrates how to drag a log to a horse who might be new to this maneuver or unsure.

  • Basics of the Bridge

    There are several different ways you might come across a bridge in ranch trail. You might be asked to cross a bridge by itself, but you also might find logs on either side of it. Cody Crow shows you the different ways you might be asked to navigate this obstacle.

  • Extension in the Ranch Riding

    Cody Crow goes over the different extended gaits you might see in ranch riding and ranch versatility events and what a credit-earning gait looks like.

  • Counter Bend

    Any Western discipline can use this exercise to counter bend your horse. Improve your horsemanship to supple your horse with Brad Barkemeyer.

  • Practicing Without Over Practicing

    Learn from Bud Lyon how to balance practicing for a rider and practicing for the horse.

  • Fundamental Cow Horse Drill

    Whether your horse is seasoned on cattle or just getting started, this exercise from Brad Barkemeyer will help him develop good form and habits and will allow you to evaluate your horse’s cattle instinct.

  • Hourglass Drill

    Brad Barkemeyer takes us through one of his favorite young horse drills. He uses this drill specifically when teaching lead changes.